Thursday, 7 February 2008

Another Crafty Template and an interview!

This little cutie is also from this months Crafty Templates pack, I added the nappy for a finishing touch. I love these little safety pins, I've had them a while but I can't remember where from, probably Charmed Cards and Crafts because that's where most of my stash comes from.More news on the Crafts Beautiful front. They recently interviewed me as their new designer, the interview is now up on the site here and what I love about it is, they've called it 'Crafty Queen' fab ay?


Joani said...

WoW Louly and mega conratulations both from me and my sis Debbie. ;) :)

We have just read your interview which is fab, you ust be over the moon and skipping along. :)

We'll get the mag tomorrow and see your creations. :)

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Joani x (and Debbie )

Sarah C said...

What a fab card and a great interview. I can only imagine how happy you must be :-D

Marlou McAlees said...

oh my goodness!!!!! LOULY!!!!!!!!!yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!! im delighted for you, going for a nosey now!!!!!!! huge hugzz xx

Marlou McAlees said...

woooo hoooooo, just read it!!!! congrats again!!! you deserve it!!! and forgot to say love this gorgeous card xx

** Isa ** said...

This is just so adorable and congrats on being interviewed!!! Will have to go and have a little peek!!!

Hugs xxx

Karen Mortensen said...

Awww, that's so cute :o)

Kathy said...

So cute Lou - love that nappy! I used this template too because he is just adorable!

Judy Romero said...

I think being a Crafty Queen sounds like an amazing title.