Well the lovely Patsy has tagged me again (thanks chuck). This means I have to find 5 inspirational people to tag that shouldn't be too hard, loads of people inspire me, let's just hope they haven't been tagged yet. Oh and Patsy you would been straight onto my list if you hadn't been the one to tag me.
Here are the details for the ladies i've tagged.
And here are my tagged ladies (in no particular order)....................
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Tagged Again (lucky me!)
Posted by Louly at 20:09 4 comments
DCM- Sorry

Posted by Louly at 13:21 15 comments
Sunday, 29 July 2007
DCM-All Checked Out

Posted by Louly at 09:52 17 comments
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
DCM- Little Extra- We've Got Your Number

"We've Got Your Number"
Numbers and Fun? Those two words don't often appear in the same sentence, do they?Well, we'd like you to have some fun with numbers and put a numeral on your card - it's as easy as thatSo a great opportunity to make some kid's birthday cards, but there's also Sweet 16, those milestone Birthdays, Special Anniversaries, even New Home cards personalised with the recipient's new house number on - as long as it's got a number on it, it counts (haha - did you spot the extra-subtle pun there?) There are probably loads of other ways to use numbers on your cards so get inventive and enjoy a bit of creative accountancy for our little bit of midweek fun. Don't forget to leave us a message to tell us where we can see your card.
Posted by Louly at 10:39 27 comments
Saturday, 21 July 2007
DCM- Pockets of fun

Posted by Louly at 19:32 28 comments
Friday, 20 July 2007
Rockin Girl Blogger
Right here goes.......
Posted by Louly at 22:41 3 comments
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
DCM - Haberdashery
This weeks dare was set by the lovely Gillian......
G'day all, Gillian here, and it's my turn to dare you all this week
Your card can be any theme you like, just as long as it's got something you'd find in a Haberdashery Department on it
Alright then, grab that old sewing basket of yours or raid your sewing machine drawer, have a look at what creative bits are hidding away there....maybe it's buttons, a zip, hook & eye's, ribbons, braids, Dressmaking patterns, tape measures,Pins & Needles, lace, safety pins or embroidery thread....
so many wonderful little treasures just waiting to be added to your next card :O)
I'm going to add one more rule....
Yes you may stitch on your card, but that can't be your only haberdashery item....
I needed to make a card for someone who requested a card with an elephant on so as my time is limited i've used the opportunity to do both at once.
My sewing box ingredients are the fancy blue embroidery thread on the elephant and the dangly bits at the bottom (don't know what to call them) which i cut of a skirt ages ago (cos some fell off) they've been lurking in my sewing box ever since so thanks Gillian for giving me a reason to use them.
Posted by Louly at 16:58 16 comments
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Charmed Challenge-Jacobs Ladder

Posted by Louly at 16:28 3 comments
Friday, 13 July 2007
UKS July Challenge

Posted by Louly at 16:04 9 comments
Thursday, 12 July 2007
DCM - Text Message

Posted by Louly at 08:10 3 comments
Monday, 9 July 2007
Crafty Templates Design 4 (Shaker Card)
Here's my second attempt with the 'Lollypop Flower' template. I think the gems work quite well as sweets in the jar.
Posted by Louly at 20:24 6 comments
Labels: crafty templates, shaker card
Crafty Templates Design 2

Posted by Louly at 19:39 3 comments
My first design for Crafty Templates

Posted by Louly at 17:57 2 comments
Labels: birds, crafty templates, love
Saturday, 7 July 2007
Tagged List
Well, i've just had my first tagging! Thanks Patsy, I really needed something else to do!(not lol) anyway now I have to think of seven things to say about myself (sure to send anyone to sleep) then tag seven other bloggers and get them to do the same. So here are my seven uninteresting facts about me..........
1. My grey hairs are multiplying at an alarming rate, causing me to have to dye it far more regularly (what a pain!)
2. I've spent all week at work cleaning out our classroom after all the flood damage (what a pong!)
3. I stripped all the wallpaper from my bathroom walls today (I think I deserve some relaxation!)
4. I'm a Sagitarius, a fire sign (don't make me angry! lol)
5. Andrew Lincoln was in my class at school (my clame to fame)
6. I've just stopped doing the Atkins diet, after a year of it I was starting to cheat.
7. I've just found out that there is a place in Canada called 'Louise Creek' which also happens to be my maiden name! now i'm just going to have to go there on holiday.
Posted by Louly at 23:15 6 comments
Sunday, 1 July 2007
DCM - Beady Eyed (again!)

It's hard to see it clearly in the photo but the middle flower is filled with micro beads. I'm quite pleased with the effect.
Posted by Louly at 19:36 17 comments